Immortal Fools Losing Lives
in the Lieu of Being Cool!

1) Over 20 million ecstasy consumers are there worldwide

2) Over 20 million ecstasy consumers are there worldwide

3) 300+ million people consume opioids, cocaine, marijuana and other illicit drugs globally.

4) More than 25% of people using illicit drugs get addicted down the line

5) Cannabis or Marijuana is the most popular recreational drug used globally.

6) Over 6 lakh deaths due to drug addiction were reported in 2019 across the world.

7) Opioids responsible for the largest percentage of drug abuse deaths.

8) 2.8% of the Indian population is cannabis addicted and 1. 08% takes sedatives.
Over 18 lakh Indian young adolescents are inhalant abusers.

9) 8.5 lakh Indians are reported to inject drugs for fun. 00+ million people consume opioids, cocaine, marijuana and other illicit drugs globally.

10) More than 25% of people using illicit drugs get addicted down the line

11) Cannabis or Marijuana is the most popular recreational drug used globally.

12) Over 20 million ecstasy consumers are there worldwide

13) 300+ million people consume opioids, cocaine, marijuana and other illicit drugs globally.

14) More than 25% of people using illicit drugs get addicted down the line

15) Cannabis or Marijuana is the most popular recreational drug used globally.

16) Over 6 lakh deaths due to drug addiction were reported in 2019 across the world.

17) Opioids responsible for the largest percentage of drug abuse deaths.

18) 2.8% of the Indian population is cannabis addicted and 1. 08% takes sedatives.
Over 18 lakh Indian young adolescents are inhalant abusers.

19) 8.5 lakh Indians are reported to inject drugs for fun. ver 6 lakh deaths due to drug addiction were reported in 2019 across the world.

20) Opioids responsible for the largest percentage of drug abuse deaths.

21) 2.8% of Indian population is cannabis addicted and 1. 08% takes sedatives.
Over 18 lakh Indian young adolescents are inhalant abusers.

22) 8.5 lakh Indians are reported to inject drugs for fun.

May the universe help them realise what is good for them sooner!

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