Whether Chico has got time and depth to admire the beauty of your eyes or not, you definitely would benefit from the eye exercises I am about to describe here.
In my previous blog, under the Beauty section, I mentioned the importance of using Triphala Water to clean your eyes and doing eye massage gently to enhance both its beauty and health (beauty follows health).
In this blog, as I promised, I will mention and describe a little about the highly beneficial eye exercises you should do in the morning before or after washing your eyes using Triphala water.
So, my beautiful readers, let’s straightaway take you to the exercises that can improve our eye health and beauty.
1) Roll your eyes, Baby
You have to do nothing but clockwise and anticlockwise rotate your eyeball as many times as you are comfortable with. That doesn’t imply keep rotating it till you topple down spinning your head. Hahaha, bad joke!
First, rotate your eyeball clockwise for at least five times. Then keep your eyelids close for a few seconds. Now, again rotate your eyeballs anticlockwise five times. Close your eyes for a few seconds.
Rub the palms of your hands together till it becomes naturally warm. Now, put the hollow portion of your palm gently on your eyes and the fleshy part on the eye socket covering the eye region. Be gentle. Let your eyes feel the warmth for 15 to 20 seconds. It will be highly relaxing.
Please, make sure while rotating the eyeball you don’t rotate your entire head following the rhythm. I understand a few of you might find it hard to keep your head still while rotating those eyeballs. But, I insist you make sure not to move your head. Only rotate the eyeballs and nothing else.
That’s all this eye exercise is all about. Nothing extra. Nothing fancy. Nothing complicated.
PS. This eye exercise looks very simple but, in the start, you might feel a little dizzy, nauseous, or uncomfortable. No, I am not trying to scare you. Truly, there is nothing to be scared of. Some people just feel uneasy rotating their eyeballs like this.
If this is the case with you, start with rotating the eyeball at least two times. Clockwise rotate your eyeball twice then rotate it anticlockwise also twice. This way you can get used to it and then gradually increase the number.
Rotating it twice clockwise and anticlockwise each will not cause you any discomfort ever.
C’mon my beauties, you all can do this.
- Strengthens your eye muscles.
- It is a very effective eye exercise
- Improves your eyesight
- Relaxes your eyes
- It improves blood circulation to your eye tissues
- It can somewhere support your beauty regime for erasing fine crow lines
2) Focus, my Darlings!
As I have named this eye exercise, you just need to focus on the tip of your finger and follow where the focal point keeps dancing merrily. It’s that simple.
No need to rotate your eyeball 360 degrees in this exercise.
Just keep moving your finger in a pendulum style but, slowly. Your eyes should always stay focused on the tip of your finger and as the finger keeps moving to and fro, so your eyeballs should follow the pattern.
It will be like watching one of your favourite tennis or badminton matches. The only difference in this scenario is that you will be only moving your eyeballs left and right instead of moving your entire head/face.
In any eye exercise, the moving of your head is a strict NO. Because, my darlings, we are not doing neck exercises. We are doing eye exercise so let your eyeballs do some Tango here.
- A very good eye exercise
- Improves eyesight
- Highly recommended for improving mental alertness.
Final words
In both these exercises, initially, you will need some patience. And, always remember patience is a virtue in everything you do.
If you somewhat feel discomfort start slowly and in smaller numbers. Start by repeating the exercise twice.
Rotate your eyeballs clockwise and anticlockwise twice with a few seconds of gap in between. Focus on the tip of your finger as you move it to and fro twice.
But you have to gradually progress to a minimum of 10 rotations at least. Start slow but be steady.
Follow this at least four times a week and I guarantee you, your eyes will thank you.
May the universe bless us all with health, beauty and happiness!