The Healing Power of the Subconscious Mind: Nurture Love for Your Body in Your Mind

The bond between your psychology and physiology is intense, direct and deep.

You might be amazed to know that a lot many abnormal physiological symptoms, which you call diseases, are the results of your deep-buried mental concerns or emotional conflicts.

Mizz Louise L. Hay, a renowned American motivational author, clearly mentioned in her book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ that we can ease a lot many of our diseases with the positive thinking and willpower of our mind, rather, our subconscious mind.

I will try to present here what I have experienced with healing through mind so far in my life. I have gone through a few positive transformations and am still developing myself after being exposed to the illuminating teachings of several eminent motivators like Mizz Rhonda Byrne, and Mizz Louise L. Hay. There are others as well but this blog is not all about their teachings only, so I am restricting the mention of the names to these two great teachers only. You can get an idea of her teachings in this video

My Experiences with My Body So Far…

I have noticed, on several occasions, in my life that when I distracted my attention whenever a medical professional would administer an injection (during vaccination or as a kid), I always somehow escaped feeling not even the little mosquito bite-like sensation that otherwise I would be feeling if I set my eyes on the ongoing action.

Whenever I decided to not take medicine for minor fever or digestive problems and wait for 1 or 2 days and let my body heal on its own, it gave me wonderful results. Popping down Paracetamol or Calpol for 1-2 day minor fever weakens the body and we all have experienced it whoever has taken such pills. To cure high fever or any fever not going down for a stretched period one has to take appropriate medicine, which is a different scene. But, the body can cure minor issues.

At times, when I have forcefully made myself eat or drink anything which inwardly I was not happy to have, I always ended up being sick in the night or within just a few hours after taking that food.

Whenever I decided to not give much attention to any of my minor beauty concerns (like a little tan, 1-2 small boils on face, minor burn/cut marks) and let my body take care of it, my body has really done the job wonderfully well.

The moment any mental anxiety or troubled thoughts crowd my mind, I have seen it affecting the appearance of my body more prominently than any physiological disease ever would.

My Findings…

Our body is a living being and it, literary, is an absolute truth in all possible senses. It has an intelligence and an acute sense of sensing all that it is being exposed to all the time.

Our subconscious mind has immense power and is the most powerful version of ourselves, sitting obediently inside our mind. It devotedly listens and obeys to all the commands of our conscious mind that come via all our five senses (hear, sight, vision, physical sensation through our skin and taste). It is like sitting with a remote control (conscious mind and our conscious decisions) prompting the subconscious mind that get into action to show us the patterns in reality accordingly.

In simple words, we can control positively and improve our physical health and physiological functionalities to quite a significant extent with our mind (thoughts, desires and self-discipline). Healing through the mind is a scientific fact, a reality!

When I really have a distaste towards any food item, my body obediently develops a hostile attitude towards that food particle. And, the moment it is forced down into the system, my body is at war with it.

When my mind gets to see, sense, feel and hear other things that keep it occupied it becomes less attentive in doing its job like signalling me how painful or how uncomfortable that pricking of the injection can be. As it is busy doing some other work as I decide to gear the attention towards something else it stays busy and I don’t feel the prick on my skin much.

Similarly, when I choose to not pay much attention to any minor beauty concerns my conscious mind is not forcefully dragged to see trivial issues with a magnifying glass that would prompt my subconscious mind to get palpitations and further aggravate the not-so-serious beauty (physical appearance) concerns.

How To Learn To Relax & Express Our Mind?

Stop acting like a pressure cooker in all situations and departments of your life. Release the pressure by expressing and communicating your feelings directly. For healing through the mind, the mind first has to relax completely.

We have the habit of suppressing our emotions rather than dealing with it, which only gets deposited more profoundly inside our mind triggering reactions and repercussions in the form of volcanic eruptions. These ruin our general health or harm any specific organ or attack certain physiological systems.

When You’re Angry

When you are angry accept the fact that you are angry and choose to calm yourself down by focusing on something else that you find soothing at that point of time. Watch comedy films, read jokes, play your favourite song or think about a funny incident. Writing down your emotional turmoils or maintaining a journal also helps tremendously.

If it feels comforting, go to your room or to a private zone and take a pillow to punch it hard several times till you feel that anger sensation releasing your body and mind. This is the best way to express your anger without ruining anything or anyone. Don’t do it before others or they might label you as a crazy person rushing to call a nearby mental institution ( c’mon it was a joke, Don’t Get Angry).

The outward expression of pouring out your anger does help. Mizz Louise L. Hay also mentioned it along with other learned personalities.

When You’re Jealous

When you feel jealous, acknowledge it and reason with yourself if being jealous can ever help you to get what you are craving.

There is no use in being jealous so either you work for what you are trying to achieve or wait for that thing to come to you naturally and prepare yourself for that.

Learn to be happy with other people’s achievements as someone else being blessed with something really good doesn’t mean you will be deprived of that thing for your lifetime. Nurture this wisdom inside you and you won’t feel jealous for much longer.

When You’re Frustrated

Pull your mind away from the frustrating reactions you’re feeling inside your body and direct it to analyse the cause of your frustration.

If you already know the reason behind your frustrations, relax and work on how to get clear of this feeling by finding what can you do to take care of your needs and desires in ways you think to be right. Write it down or go to your mirror and start talking to yourself. Improve the situation or find alternatives to it, whatever you think would work best for you. Don’t go to bed with your frustrations.

That way your mental energy will not be wasted but invested in digging out the solutions that will help you feel better. And, maybe, your frustrating situation will find a befitting solution with your positive thinking and improve in ways better than your imagination.

Find out the possible ways through which you can avail of the things or goals the lack of which is causing the negative reaction inside you. Find the cause, Act upon it.

When You’re Hurt

Accept the fact that yes your inner self is feeling bad and is in pain. Don’t swallow your pain forcefully rather let it pass through your body after you allow your eyes to shed off your tears and release it slowly.

Don’t curse the people or the situation for it. Weep and wipe your tears, smile and move on.

Keep this ultimate truth in your Heart and Mind that better things are waiting for you so do not cry over the spilled milk. Do not cry over the situation that turned against you.

Don’t suppress your pain. Don’t fight with it. Never try to act as if you are not hurt. Embrace the pain only to say it goodbye and give it a befitting farewell.

When You’re Anxious/Nervous

Write everything that you feel and you’re worried about in your diary. Write in detail however gross it might be. It will help you.

Sit down or lie on the couch/bed calmly. Talk to you as you are your best friend trying to calm you down. Keep your limbs and palms stretched out. Don’t squeeze yourself or hold on to anything tightly. Loosen up, spread out your body as freely as possible and turn it upside down. The palm of your hand should be facing the ceiling or the sky.

Take a few deep breaths slowly and keep murmuring to yourself in a low voice that “everything is fine with me and I’m only reaching excellence in my life safely and steadily”.

Have this realisation and belief in your mind that even if the situation doesn’t get very much in your favor then also surely there are loads of better opportunities awaiting you to take you to a greater level in your life. Keep it repeating to yourself and you will see your anxiety will come down to a dormant level.

What’s the Benefits?

Our psychological health is deeply and directly connected with our general physical conditions. Suppressed emotion of any kind (anger, jealousy, pain, hurt, anxiety) blocks the normal functioning of our various physical systems, like our digestive system, excretory system, circulatory system, nervous system etc. The blockages give rise to abnormalities in their proper functionality thereby paving the way for abnormal health conditions to build up slowly and cause various diseases.

Your body becomes dis-ease with your mental setup and symptoms in the form of ailments start appearing. It is a scientific fact and phenomenon, not just a cooked-up baseless suggestion.

Show Love to Your Body

Just like the way we need to Show Love to the person we love, our body also desires the same. The healing power of the subconscious mind is unlocked with a conscious habit of loving our physical selves.

Have you ever said thank you and felt like kissing your legs and your feet? No, why? Without your legs and feet will you be able to walk up to anywhere, do your dance moves and wear your lovely shoes?

We take our legs and feet for granted so much until they stop cooperating in our old age. Then we go for several specialised leg, joint, and foot treatments to restore its normalcy. What a joke!

Why do you keep this attitude? Why do you wait till the relationship gets sour and then take the necessary actions? Start early and show love with care right from the beginning. For healing through the mind make it a habit to show love to your body that your subconscious mind can learn from and act accordingly.

You do exercise. Still, Not Enough!

Doing physical exercise is a great form of showing care. But, it is not The Best way to show love. Surprised? Have you heard of those cases where several people worldwide died during their exercise sessions? They were very much into physical workouts, and good diet but still tragedies happened.

Okay, agree with you that life can end anytime and we don’t have much control over it. Fine, I do agree with you to a certain extent. But, now you have to agree to me not as a courtesy but by being open to a Scientific Fact.

Your body cannot cooperate with you much if you develop a hostile attitude towards your body. Considering yourself sick is most of the time imaginary frenziness. Considering yourself weak without even trying something on a physical level is ridiculous. Constantly dragging it to tremendous workout sessions where its excessive wear and tear happens constantly is not an act of showing care but a kind of torture that your body soon succumbs to.

What To Do Then?

Be gentle to your body. Show love to your body. Touch your body. Say thank you to your body while touching it. Relax your mind and body and imagine that you are enjoying good health and you are beautiful and happy.

Your body will miraculously respond to you by improving significantly wherever it needs to work. It is a fact. Mizz Louise L. Hay explains it more clearly in her book You Can Heal Your Life. I also practice being gentle to me and nice to me. That’s how my subconscious mind picks the habit of managing my body with more love and tenderness.

When you love your body, a fine sensation happens all through your physical form. Happy hormones release that supports the improvement further. The healing power of the subconscious mind is set free to start flowing all through you.

No, my smart friends, I’m not here giving a hidden hint to masturbation in any way. Surely masturbation is scientifically proven to be a very useful method for easing your mind and relaxing your body that can have very positive effects on your overall well being. There is nothing hush-hush about it. It’s just that by referring to ‘love your body’ here, I mean to say ‘thank you’ to your body by Softly Touching and Gliding your Palm as if you’re applying ointment to your body parts. Stand before the mirror where you can see yourself and be thankful to it like you would to another person when they do something good to you.

Let the information sink deeper through your eyes and your ears (as you see your body reflection in the mirror and listen to your words of thankfulness) while thanking your body.

The Healing Power of the Subconscious Mind is the Miracle

The subconscious mind gets the credit for the miraculous positive response that your body starts showing. It believes blindly what you feed into it.

When it sees and senses your happiness as you start believing in the health and beauty of your body it also starts doing its magic by restoring your health, preserving your health and improving your health so that you can look more beautiful and feel happier.

How does the subconscious mind do it and what is the logic behind it- I have not yet gained so much knowledge to explain it here or anywhere. I just know our body does it by convincing our subconscious mind as we convince ourselves to show respect, love, and care to our body on a daily basis.

Be Grateful to Your Body for What It Does For You Is Priceless.

Your mind and your body is directly connected. Your brain and your heart are more deeply in touch with each other than you can ever imagine. Do not conflict this pure and positive rapport with your twisted thoughts and suppressed emotions.

Release your emotions and be more loving to your body and your several diseases are bound to bid you goodbye sooner and forever. The healing power of the subconscious mind is intense and immense.

You Also Cannot Neglect Your Mind: Your Channel to Show Love

Eating healthy and doing exercise alone will not help if your mind is loaded with emotional baggage including fear of the past and the future.

Forgive yourself for all your past mistakes and release yourself from the shackles of the past incidences. Also, do not overburden yourself with the constant fear of future uncertainties. For healing through the mind, make it a powerhouse of positive thoughts that are loving towards your physical being.

You are doing fine and your subconscious mind will guide you really well to reach excellence in life only if you are open to its wisdom, by keeping your mind clear of unnecessary loads. Trust your emotions. Trust your head and heart both. Have faith in your body and express that through love and care.

Your health is bound to improve.

Guarantee is mine as I believe in the power and positivity of your subconscious mind. You get sick in your brain first and then it appears in your body. So, the moment sickness tries to overpower your mind you outsmart it with your conscious (chosen) decisions to stay healthy and happy. Choose to be healthy and happy.

Be Active, Not Forceful

Do the needful that you are convinced will make you happy. Be active whenever and wherever it is necessary for you to reach out and make things right for you.
Never overdo or force things. Do your part sincerely and relax, knowing all will be good.


You have come to this world with a blank board and nothing is written beforehand. Nothing. Your sufferings are for your present actions and thoughts.

When it comes to health remember to keep your mind clear, choose to be happy and show love to your body. Say in your mind repeatedly for 2-3 minutes or more- “I AM HEALTHY. MY BODY IS DOING GREAT” or just keep repeating “GOOSD HEALTH” in your mind for a minute after you wake up in the morning and before going to bed daily. Your health will improve, again the Guarantee is Mine! Healing through the mind is a reality.

2 thoughts on “The Healing Power of the Subconscious Mind: Nurture Love for Your Body in Your Mind”

  1. Tausif Ahmed Ansari

    This is absolutely brilliant, Monali. The way you’ve managed to mention the every emotion that we deeply feel and the ways to control it without having a negative impact on us is just appreciable. Your writings definitely give us a new insight to look at our daily life very differently and more concerning to our betterment. Loved this and keep up with it!! ❤️🫂

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I will be happier if you start practising showing love and care to your body for a healthier existence and also share the message with all. Once again, THANK YOU.

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